PROJECT 1 : re-thinking a promenade

The semester will begin with an analysis of the city of St. Augustine and the construction of two urban interventions. We will engage with the city of St. Augustine at a many scales and times to produce an analytical interpretation [from analysis to synthesis] that will serve as the armature for interventions. The first two weeks are reserved for the analysis part of the exercise which will be the mapping, re-thinking and re-construction of a promenade connecting two sites that you will choose for your interventions.

The programmatic charge of the interventions will be developed by you as a narrative constructed upon the specific place characters of the two sites. The re-constructed promenade between the two sites will be an imaginary / speculative / synthetic armature based on the memory of the two sites merging into the experiential qualities of the walk space between them.

Thus, your own experience of both the sites and the itinerary between them is the necessary starting point for the exercise. Understanding the notion of ‘analysis’ in terms of ‘probing’ questions specifically asked to ‘do’ something, to ‘intervene’ with the original object rather than ‘representing’ it will be a main pedagogical concern throughout the term.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

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